Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Adopting Peanut

We went to a few animal shelters but none of them had a suitible dog for us. So then we went to Keysborough Animal Shelter. We had rung about a papillion we had seen in the paper. We looked in all the cages but it wasn't there. So we asked the staff and she went to the back of the shelter and came out holding the cutest dog ever! And we all went "Awwww...". She said that it was on hold and we were all sad because we really liked it. But then she said there was a phonecall and the hold had been taken off!!! And, of course we adopted him. A four year old male papillion- that's a cross between pomeranian and chiwawa. It means butterfly! On the way home he was trying to eat flies so we called him fly. But then we changed it to Peanut, because it's cuter, and sounds better!

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